This Shabbat we read parshat Toldot, and the story of Jacob and his twin brother, Esau. It is also the Shabbat before Remembrance Day, November 11, as we remember our Canadian soldiers and veterans. It’s interesting that these two things speak to each other with relevance for today.
The story of Jacob and Esau resonates as the story of two brothers in conflict. Jacob trades the stew he has made for Esau’s blessing as the eldest son. Esau feels betrayed when he later realizes he will not receive that blessing. Jacob flees from his brother, Esau, who has pledged to kill him.
From Jacob’s point of view, the blessing was obtained fairly and legally. From Esau’s point of view, it was a fleeting momentary decision, and doesn’t speak to the emotional reality of losing his father’s blessing. Jacob sees the covenant while Esau sees his father’s love. Both brothers sit in a single event with conflicting perspectives that cannot be reconciled. It is the story of every human conflict —it is headed for war.
As we cross time from the ancient world to today, we often sit in this reality. We struggle with warfare, aiming for peace which is often elusive. Remembrance Day is a time for us to honour those people who risk everything to bring peace. The Torah teaches us that peace is not a natural state, it is something to be solicited, pursued, negotiated, and fought for. On Remembrance Day we remember the values for which someone would risk everything. We honour the people as well as their vision.
Jacob will eventually solicit Esau for peace. In doing so, he will offer back the riches he has obtained, and Esau will refuse them. The brothers are able to close the pain of the past and consider the hope of a future.
On Remembrance Day, we remember our soldiers, veterans, and heroes. We remember the pain of their loss, as we affirm knowing that everything they did, and everything they risk, is to consider a hope for our future.
I’d like to wish everyone a sweet and peaceful Shabbat –our Jewish time to regroup, rest, and reinvigorate.
Shabbat shalom,